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ICPE Day of Action

Submitted by Indiana Coalition of Public Education | Published on 2/16/2022

Public Schools Unite Us

ICPE Day of Action

Monday, Feb. 21, 2 p.m. - Presidents Day

Indiana Statehouse

We have just passed the halfway point in this legislative session. We debated whether to have a Day of Action in a short session, but this short session has been long on bills with the potential to harm public education. We must show our strength and let legislators know we will be watching until the final day of the legislative session.


The program starts at 2 p.m. (Eastern) in the north atrium, but come early if you can. You sign up to meet with your legislators in the morning. Click here to find your legislators' contact information.


At 1 p.m. in the north atrium, we’ll have cards for you to write messages to legislators, then we can go in groups to deliver. There will be time to continue to write and deliver after the program if you can’t arrive early.


Remember to give yourself time to get through security screening. It’s similar to airport screening, so leave pocket knives, etc. at home.  


Our first speaker is Dr. Jennifer McCormick, the former Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction.


More details on the program will be shared next week. You can bring your own signs (but not on a stick), and we will also have signs for you. BRING FRIENDS WITH YOU, TOO!

Dr. Jennifer McCormick
former Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction